Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Staff training for cultural institutions in the Tuva Republic

Н.А. Затеева, С.П. Татарова

UDC 37:(02+7)(470+571-3)


N.A. Zateeva is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. e-mail:; and S.P. Tatarova is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Prof. e-mail: at East-Siberian State Institute of Culture, Ulan-Ude


Researched is the problem of staff training for cultural institutions in the Tuva Republic. Development of socio-cultural sphere in the Republic of Tuva and establishment of personnel training system for cultural institutions have distinctive features from similar process in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The system of training personnel for cultural institutions can be represented as a complex of institutional and non-institutional forms of professional development of specialists. Formation of the system of training specialists in the field of culture is due to the logic of development of the history of the Republic of Tuva and a number of interrelated factors (of political, cultural, economic, social character). There are several stages in development of the training system for cultural workers in the republic. At the initial stage, training of personnel for institutions of the social and cultural sphere of the Republic of Tuva was carried out outside the region. In 1960, an educational institution appeared in the republic that trains specialists at the level of secondary vocational education. During 1993 up to 2018. a two-tier system functioned in the republic, that made possible to receive secondary vocational and higher education in the field of culture and art. At present, on the territory of the Republic of Tuva, the system of training personnel for institutions of social and cultural sphere is represented by the level of secondary vocational education. Development of the system of professional training for specialists in social and cultural sphere is still an urgent task for the Republic of Tuva, and it requires interaction between educational organizations of the region, as well as modern solutions in the field of raising the professional level of cultural workers and the use of modern educational technologies.

Key words: personnel training, human resource, training system, Republic of Tuva, cultural institutions, levels of education, cultural education.



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