Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ethics of interaction between Students and Professors in the context of digital transformation of Higher education

Н.Г. Чевтаева, A.S. Nikitina, А.П. Лунев

UDC 2-42:37


N.G. Chevtaeva is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof., Head of the Department of Personnel Management e-mail: ; A.S. Nikitina is Ph.D. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. of the Department of Personnel Management e-mail:; and A.P. Lunev is Ph.D. student of the Department of Personnel Management e-mail:, All at Ural Institute of Management — branch of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation


Examined and analyzed are ethical aspects of interaction between students and teachers in the context of digital transformation of higher education. The forced massive transition to distance learning format updated the direction of research, related to ethical aspects of communication between a teacher and a student in the digital space. Digitalization processes, on the one hand, are becoming a factor of competitiveness, the prestige of educational institution, determining its place in the ranking of modern university, on the other hand, creating a problem of depersonalization of communication in the process of digital support of education. As a result of a sociological questionnaire survey and expert interviews among students and teachers of universities in Sverdlovsk region, both positive aspects of distance learning and communicative ethical difficulties were discovered during the period of transition to distance learning format. In conclusion, the authors offer a set of practical recommendations for further improving the ethical and communicative culture of students and teachers in the context of digitalization of higher education.

Key words: digital transformation, digitalization of higher education, ethics of interaction, ethical culture, culture of behavior.



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