Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Intellectual potential of the youth: coceptualization of meaning and methodological bases of research

Zh.S. Safronova , D.S. Brazevitch

UDC 316.6-053:37.01


Zh.S. Safronova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. at St. Petersburg state Chemistry Pharmacology University; and D.S. Brazevich is Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation e-mail:


Analyzed are scientific researches, the authors of which substantiate the concept of intellectual potential and determine methodological foundations for the diagnosis and development of the intellectual potential of youth. The authors of the article considered the concept of “intellectual potential” from the standpoint of various methodological approaches, showing advantages of young people in formation of intellectual potential: speed of mastering new competencies, high creativity, low reproductive inhibition during the development of activities. Problems of development of intellectual potential of Russian young people are revealed. The components of intellectual potential are highlighted, among which a special place is for motivation for mastering knowledge, abilities, skills, willingness to take risks and uncertainty, information culture, etc. It is proposed to determine intellectual potential of young people, based on levels of development of its components. Requirements for educational environment for development of intellectual potential of modern youth are described as well. The conclusion is made, that intellectual potential of modern youth must be formed in a specific educational environment with specific conditions.

Key words: potential, intellectual potential, risk society, uncertainty, higher education, youth, socialization, experience.



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