Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Institutional foundations of political socialization of youth as factors of civic participation in management of life of society

A.A. Arkhipova, T.E. Zerchaninova, A.S. Nikitina

UDC 316.33:321


A.A. Arkhipova is Master Student at Kutafin Moscow State Law University e-mail: ; T.E. Zerchaninova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof., Head of sub-faculty; and A.S. Nikitina is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. e-mail:, both at Ural Institute of Management — branch of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


Presented is research in the problem of political socialization of the youth. Socialization of individual plays the role as a way of forming a political picture of the world among young people, determining degree of participation in management of society that is an important component of the process of socialization of the individual as a whole. At the same time, today there is no holistic understanding of institutions through which the process of political socialization of youth can be carried out. The main purpose of this work is to conduct a systematic analysis of the list of forms of direct participation of young people in political life of society as a means of political socialization. In this regard, the authors have classified these forms into two groups, i.e. traditional ones, established by special laws forms of political participation of citizens in the life of the country, and alternative ones, implemented in the framework of state youth policy. On the basis of research results of the department of political psychology, faculty of philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, aimed at comparative analysis of the nature of political socialization and re-socialization of different age groups, substantiated is gradual decrease in the role of traditional institutions in political socialization with variety of alternative ones. Also defined are place and role in the life of modern young person of such institutions as elections, political parties and various forms of youth self-government.

Key words: political socialization, youth, civic engagement, institution.



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