Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Experience of participation of public organizations in work of social and cultural adaptation and integration of foreign citizens in subjects of the Russian Federation

V.Yu. Ledeneva

UDC 325     



V.Yu. Ledeneva is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof., Head of Departament at Institute of Demographic Researches of FCTAS RAS and Professor at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation e-mail:


Analyzed is systemic interaction of regional and municipal authorities and public organizations in work of social adaptation and integration of migrants. Socio-demographic demand for migrants and, at the same time, the need for their adaptation and integration is emphasized, since migrants bring their own culture of behavior, traditions and customs, that often contradict values of host societies. At present, issues of adaptation and integration of migrants are coming to the fore in migration policy of the RF in connection with increased migration flows, high risks of extremism and terrorism in migration processes and the growth of illegal migration. In addressing these issues, constructive activity of national-cultural autonomies and other public organizations, that promote adaptation and integration of migrants, could be of significant help. The author identifies the main factors that negatively affect the nature of interaction between local self-government bodies and public organizations, emphasizes the lack of regulatory framework, governing distribution of powers between the federal center and constituent entities, the lack of unified understanding of categories of migrants, who need integration and adaptation. Due to these problems, regional authorities, municipalities and public organizations have different views on tasks of adaptation and integration of migrants and act in accordance with their own ideas about these processes. The article examines experience of the most successful social practices of public organizations in regions of Russia, that might be of interest to federal and regional executive bodies, and results could be used in developing unified approach and methodological support for activities of executive bodies of constituent entities of the RF to improve efficiency of state regulation in this direction.

Key words: migrants, adaptation, integration, national and cultural autonomies, authorities, municipality, public organizations.



1. Federal law “On national cultural autonomy” from 17.06.1996 No. 74-FZ. URL:

2. Andrichenko, L.V., Plyugina, I.V. Migration legislation of the Russian Federation: tendencies of development and practice of realization. Moscow, 2019.

3. Information portal of the Ministry of Justice of the RF on activity of non-commercial organizations. URL:

4. Collection of effective practices “Adaptation and integration of migrants”. URL: