Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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From history of medical science in Uzbekistan in the period of independence

S.A. Djumanov

UDC 61(091)(575.3)


S.A. Djumanov is PhD (Philosophy), Lecturer at Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan e-mail:


Analyzed is state of medical science in Republic of Uzbekistan in the years of independence. As known is, development of the system of health care directly depends on development of medical science. In that direction of special importance are wide scale measures, realized in Uzbekistan in the years of independence. The article is dedicated to history of measures as to strengthening of the system of health care in Uzbekistan in that period.

Key words: ecological non-stability, infection diseases, medical means, fundamental researches, state committee for science and technique, scientific-research institutions, scrining methods, priority state scientific and technique programs.