Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Concept of tipping point in frames of methodic of prevention of socio-cultural risks

A.V. Mayakova

UDC 167/168    


A.V. Mayakova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), Scientific Researcher at South-West State University, Kursk Сity e-mail:   


Discussed is the concept of tipping point, presented in detail in open research of “Policy of development: problems of the future” by German scientists under the leadership of S. Grimm and J. Schneider. Presented analytical paper attention of the author is being focused is on the concept and involvement of social tipping point in methodology for preventing socio-cultural risks.

Key words: risk, risk forecasting, concept of tipping point, social tipping point.



1. Grimm, S., Schneider, G. Predicting social tipping points. Current research and the way forward. Bonn, 2011.

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3. Aseeva, I.A. Prognostic practices in science and culture. Kursk, 2009.

4. Lobe, A. Die Wissenschaft vom stabilen Orient. URL:

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6. Wildavsky, A. Speaking truth to power: the art and craft of policy analysis. Boston, 1979.

7. Ivakin, T.I. Political forecasting in modern conditions. URL:

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