Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Evolution of political and social activity of women’s intelligentsia

E.A. Kranzeeva

UDC 316-055.2-057.4

E.A. Kranzeeva is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. prof., Head of sub-faculty at Kemerovo State University e-mail:


Presented is the analysis of influence of social and political activity of female intelligentsia on change in social status of women in society. Actuality of the problem is associated with increasing active participation of women in political and social life. Female intelligentsia as independent group is rare object of sociological analysis. Meanwhile, it is quite representative in terms of size and impact on public life. It is intelligentsia, by virtue of possession of intellectual resources that forms attitude towards social system, state, authorities, political regime, parties and social movements, often acting as subject of political interactions and relations. Historical and sociological analysis made it possible to identify the key stages in evolution of political and social activity of female intelligentsia, dynamics of political consciousness of women. The article provides characteristic of modern state of intelligentsia, its role in the life of society. The author notes, that there is differentiation of the group of intellectual labor, modern intelligentsia seriously differs in financial status and socio-political orientations and attitudes, however, despite this transformation, it still retains the function of creating and broadcasting socio-cultural samples.

Key words: women, intelligentsia, social activity, political activity, women’s movements, women’s issue, political consciousness, gender, education.



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