Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of values, professional orientations, life plans of students’ youth at regional higher school of culture

T.N. Boyak

UDC 316-057(470+571-32)


T.N. Boyak is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. prof., prof. of sub-faculty at East-Siberian State Institute of Culture, Ulan-Ude city e-mail:



Researched are principal issues of values, professional orientations, life plans formation of students, studying at regional higher educational institution of culture. The author touches upon this problem because the graduates of institutes of culture are to solve important tasks, connected with society development and effectiveness of their solutions, depends directly on students’ professionalism, values, conditions of their formation. It is noted, that modern Russian higher learning institutions, incl. those of culture, are doing great work to form and implement effective models of educational process organization, students’ socialization. Also it is pointed out, that the majority of students, questioned by the author, made their thorough independent choice of profession. Self-actualization in professional sphere is of great importance in their life plans, alongside with this fact that less than half of questioned students plan to work according to their specialty. This testifies, that conditions for labor self-realization of graduates of higher educational institutions of culture are not so favorable, and there is lack of judgement in choosing profession, that sets necessity to strengthen educational and career guidance work from the part of institutes. The author points out, that valuable orientations of young students are formed not only by institutes, but also by families. Effectiveness of solving the tasks of professional and value-oriented formation of students greatly depends on how actively a family contributes to this process and how the institute is able to use family resource potential in its work with students. Significant role in value and life plans formation of young generation belongs to processes taking place in the society. For example, under influence of value of freedom actualization in society of modern youth strives for independency and self-actualization. The processes of spreading utilitarian, individualistic values, leveling of general welfare values contributed to lowering importance of labor as social value, weakening young people’s orientation towards jobs with low incomes. Majority of young people are noted to be oriented towards high moral ideals, universal values, and are rather optimistic about their future, though remain concerned about employment. Necessity of joint efforts of the state, family, establishments of education and culture in solving tasks connected with achieving effectiveness of processes of up-bringing, personal and professional development, students’ self-realization is stressed.

Key words: student’s youth, values, life plans, professional orientations, culture, society.



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