Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Social and political socialization of students’ youth

O.A. Koryakovtseva

UDC 316-053        


O.A. Koryakovtseva is Dr.Sci. (Politology), Prof., Director of Institute at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University n.a. K.D. Ushinsky e-mail:


Presented is the author’s sociological study among students of leading universities of the Yaroslavl region. The influence of various factors on political socialization of younger generation was studied. The role of objective and subjective factors, affecting the process of inclusion of young citizens in the political life of society, is analyzed. In the framework of the study, relationship was established between the basic political attitudes of the individual and the level of parents’ education in family. The author shows, that some agents of political socialization have lost their influence on the process of assimilation of political norms by younger generation. In particular, the influence of university teachers has decreased, that can’t cause concern. It is proved, that internalization of socio-political norms in individual begins within family. Moreover, if parents have passive form of political behavior (they do not participate in elections, etc.), then their children also have passive political behavior. If parents have form of medium political behavior (take part in rallies, demonstrations, are members of party, etc.), then their children also have form of medium political behavior. Measures are proposed to create necessary conditions for successful political socialization of younger generation.

Key words: political socialization, pluralistic type of political socialization, passive political subculture, electoral activity, electoral passivity, electoral behavior of youth.



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