Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


E. Deming’s philosophy of quality and possibilities of it’s application in the system of higher education

A.Yu. Sklyarevsky, V.A. Sklyarevskaya

UDC [111:005.6]:378                     


A.Yu. Sklyarevsky is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. at Russian University of Cooperation e-mail: ; and V.A. Sklyarevskaya is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. e-mail:

at Moscow State University of Technology and Management n.a. K.G. Razumovsky


Expounded is the essence of philosophy of the father of “Japanese miracle”, the founder of quality management system, American scientist Edward Deming, whose recommendations were quickly raised Japan from ruins and turned into prosperous country that delighted the entire progressive world. The biography of Dr. Deming is briefly covered, in which a very unique situation takes special place, when a foreigner was awarded the Order of the Blessed Treasure by the Emperor of Japan for services to his people. The paper presents the main principles of continuous improvement of the quality by E. Deming, which are particularly relevant for Russia. Presented is the author’s interpretation of first two fundamental principles, concerning the system of Russian higher education.

Key words: Deming quality philosophy, Deming principles, continuous improvement of quality, changing attitude to staff, leadership of manager, higher education.


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2. Biography of E. Deming. URL:

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