UDC 37:327
A.L. Arefiev is Cand.Sci. (History), doc., deputy director at Center for Sociological Researches of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia e-mail: alexander.arefiev@gmail.com ; and Tomas Schmidt is Russian language teacher, Kantonsschule Enge Zürich Gymnasium, Chairman of Society of Russian Language Teachers in Switzerland, member of the MAPRYAL Presidium, Switzerland, Zurich e-mail: th.a.schmidt@bluewin.ch
Highlighted are trends in education of Swiss in Russia and Russians in Switzerland. Universities with the largest contingents of Swiss and Russian students, their study programs, and specialties are indicated. Data on children from families of Swiss citizens in Russian schools, as well as Russian ones in Switzerland are provided. It analyzes the study of the Russian language in Switzerland, as well as the study of official languages of Switzerland (German, French, Italian) in schools and universities in Russia. The conclusion is made about stability of Russian-Swiss cooperation in education and availability of potential for its expansion. The article was prepared on the basis of the data of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Society of Russian Language Teachers in Switzerland.
Key words: training, students, schoolchildren, Russia, Switzerland, Russian, German, French, Italian.
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