Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Problems of transition to distance learning

V.Ya. Gelman

UDC 37-042.4:004            


V.Ya. Gelman is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof. at North-Western State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov e-mail:


Described are new forms of interaction between teachers and students and post-graduate students, being developed and actively used. In connection with epidemic situation, universities were forced to urgently switch to students’ distance learning. In the course of this transition, certain difficulties, common to many universities, arose. The paper discusses some of problems, arise when transferring educational process to distance learning. Features of on-line and off-line approaches to organization of educational process are analyzed. It is suggested, that under the current conditions, combination of both on-line and off-line distance learning is most preferable. Advantages and disadvantages of using various types of e-learning systems at different stages of educational process are evaluated. Also difficulties and features of conducting distance lecture courses and practical exercises in on-line and off-line modes are shown. The need for adjusting approaches to controlling students’ knowledge in this situation is noted. Issues of combating unfair performance of tasks under conditions of remote work are discussed. And also issues of ensuring necessary motivation of students to work independently with distance learning are considered. A number of recommendations on possible solutions to emerging problems are proposed.

Key words: distance learning, university, transition, on-line mode, off-line mode, motivation.



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