Thagapsoev, H.G. Cultural science on paradigm faults: selected works. Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of the Herzen state University, 2019. 231 p. |
UDC 008
L.B. Berberova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), senior lecturer at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation» e-mail:; and Z.A. Kuchukova is Dr.Sci. (Philology), prof. at Kabardino-Balkarian State University n.a. Kh.M. Berbekov e-mail:
Presented is detailed assessment of the new monograph of famous Russian philosopher Kh.G. Tkhagapsoev “Cultural science on paradigmatic faults” in the context of development of cultural science in the south of Russia. A complex of topical issues is considered, related to the status of culturology as scientific discipline, informational and semiotic theory of culture, ethnocultural world of the Caucasus, lectonic civilization, as well as dynamics of gender relations in the North Caucasus.
Key words: cultural studies, monograph, information, semiotics, frame, broadcast, ethnic factor, cultural dialogue, gender.
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