Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Modernization of higher education at the mezzo-economic level

L.M. Nizova, A.V. Kuznetsova

UDC 378:330.3(470+571-32)


L.M. Nizova is Dr.Sci. (Economics), prof.; and A.V. Kuznetsova is Master student at Volga State University of Technology e-mail: 


Analyzed are priorities and problems of modernization of higher education. Investigated is classification of development of education in new Russia, including transition to the Bologna system, three-leveled structure of education, federal programs and competencies in the framework of the national project “Education”. Logical connection between features of education in the country and it’s subjects is made. Dynamics of student population, budget places, employment, and average age of graduates in the Republic of Mari El were monitored. Based on sociological research, following priorities were identified: connection of science with production, use of interactive forms of training, it’s practical orientation, and balance of the labor market and market of educational services. At the same time, there are still problems with quality of education, insufficient involvement of students in scientific work, weak scientific and methodological base, and tuition fees. Measures are proposed for further modernization of higher education, taking into account requirements of Constitution of the Russian Federation and the national project “Education”.

Key words: modernization, education, higher school, national project, students, teachers.



1. Article 43 of Constitution of the Russian Federation. URL:

2. Order of the president of the RF from 7th May, 2018, No. 2004 “On national aims and strategic tasks of development of the Russian Federation for the period up to the year of 2024”. URL:

3. Message of the president of the RF to Federal Convention. URL:


4. Joint meeting of presidium of Gossovet and Sovet on science and education. URL:

5. Official site of FGBOU VO PGTU. URL:

6. Official site of FGBOU MarGU. URL:

7. Official site of ANO VO MOSI. URL:

8. Kuznetsova, A.V. National project “Education” as raising quality of knowledge. In: Engineering cadres as the future of innovative economy of Russia. Yoshkar Ola, 2019. P. 60.

9. Shebashev, V., Andrianjv, Yu., Nizova, L. & Nikitina, A. Student science and training engineers. Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2018. No. 16 (3).

10. Rating of world countries as to level of education. URL:

