Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of ethnic tolerance among students as factor of their professional success

T.A. Naumova, A.E. Prichinin, A.E. Shklyaev, I.Yu. Volkova

УДК 37.09+(316.3-054)


T.A. Naumova is Cand.Sci. (Psychology), doc. e-mail:; A.E. Prichinin is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc., head of sub-faculty e-mail: at Udmurt State University; A.E. Shklyaev is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), prof., vice-rector at Izhevsk State Medical Academy e-mail:; and I.Yu. Volkova is Master student е-mail:

 at Udmurt State University


Presented is the study of formation of ethno-tolerance in students, future teachers, as a means of increasing employee qualities and as consequence of their professional success. The target group of the study was students of pedagogical specialties, have passed specialized training, aimed at increasing tolerance of future teacher in general and ethno-tolerance in particular. For evaluation of results was used the express-survey ”tolerance index” (G.U. Soldatov, O.A. Kravtsova, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Spaigerova), that allows to evaluate such features of formation of ethnic tolerance, as ethnic tolerance itself, social tolerance and tolerance as personality trait. The pedagogical experiment confirmed change in direction of improving all the above-mentioned qualities.

Key words: pedagogical education, tolerance, ethnic tolerance, training, specialist's success.



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