Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Spiritual and moral senses of the Great Victory of the USSR in the Second World War: the truth against falsifications

V.N. Gruzkov, I.V. Gruzkov

UDC [17+37]::93/94         


V.N. Gruzkov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute; and I.V. Gruzkov is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. at Stavropol State Agrarian University e-mail:


Substantiated is relevance and significance of study of spiritual and moral meanings of the great victory of the USSR in Second World War. Methods and techniques of their falsifications, as well as features of counteracting distortion of historical facts are revealed. Methodological concept in the work defines one of fundamental principles of dialectical knowledge of historical phenomena and processes, i.e. the principle of a concreteт historical approach.

Key words: spiritual, meaning, morality, spiritual and moral meanings of victory of the USSR in Second World War, ideology, cause and effect, war, fascism, social technologies of psychological warfare, counter-propaganda.



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