UDC 316.4/.6:37.06
M.V. Zharkova is PhD student e-mail: marishock@yandex.ru; and T.V. Svadbina is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. e-mail: nhl_@list.ru at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
Presented is the main trends, that have a negative impact on educational and socialization process of younger generations. In particular, special attention is paid to spread of consumer lifestyle and consumer psychology in children and parents, commercialization of education, increase in “digitalization” of environment, and consequently consciousness and perception of the world by students. The role and significance of basic national values in breeding of patriots, responsible parents, and country’s workforce are outlined. The article presents four fundamental approaches, the use of which would solve the most important educational and socialization tasks, i.e. preventing declarative perception of basic national values by young people (especially patriotism), unity of family and school as subjects of educational space in understanding and translating spiritual and moral values, need for pedagogical centralization of educational space, creating “live” educational events, that emotionally and personally enrich children, parents and teachers, as opposed to virtual communication. The study uses experience of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, where a specially created city laboratory on parenting and family issues is successfully working to create partnerships between parents and teachers as subjects of educational space.
Key words: basic national values, contradiction, challenges of modern society, students, school, family, social partnership, educational environment, subjects of educational environment.
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