Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Comparative analysis of cultural policy of Russia (Krasnoyarsk) and Sweden (Mariefred) on the example of art galleries

G.S. Kuznetsova

UDC 069:304           

G.S. Kuznetsova is student at Humanitarian Institute of Siberian Federal University e-mail:

Presented is the analysis of experience of Sweden that helps to form general picture of trends in development of socio-cultural sphere and compare it with existing experience, and to identify common features and identify peculiarities. Timely extraction of grains of positive experience of functioning of art galleries in Sweden and step-by-step identification of information about negative phenomena in social and cultural practice allows to level risks and competently build a policy of development of such social and cultural units as art galleries of Krasnoyarsk.

Key words: socio-cultural work abroad, social work, cultural and leisure activities, socio-cultural activity, cultural policy.


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