Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Impact of audiovisual environment of modern Russian city on social well-being of the youth

L.A. Shtompel, O.M. Shtompel

UDC 308:378:613.8      



L.A. Shtompel is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. e-mail: ; and O.M. Shtompel is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. e-mail:; Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences of Southern Federal University


Presented are results of sociological study, allowing to reveal assessment by the youth of Southern Federal District of specific elements of concrete elements of urban environment. Taking into account were principal significant indicators of estimation of urban environment. The analysis of young people’s assessments of specific elements in cities of SFD showed, that social well-being of teenagers and young people is ambivalent in character, adolescents and young people are at a point of relative balance between desire to earn and rest well, and among young people there is not enough “people who know how to behave culturally” with this answer in the 1st place. Also the youth (as well as representatives of other age groups) feels a sense of powerlessness over those, who litter audial space of the city.

Key words: youth, city, urban environment, social well-being, subjective well-being, audio environment.