Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of the system of value orientations and structures of tenacious of life of personality of youth with high level of leadership abilities

A.A. Oschtschepkov, V.V. Friauf

UDC 316.35::159.947  


A.A. Oschepkov is Cand.Sci. (Psychology), doc.; and V.V. Friauf is PhD student at Dimitrovgrad Engineering Technological Institute — branch of National Research Nuclear University “Moscow Engineering Physical Institute” e-mail:



Discussed is the problem of training leaders in the youth midst from perspective of relationship of the system of value orientations and leadership abilities of young people. From position of dispositional concept of personality, assumption is made about relationship of the system of values, vitality and leadership abilities, since these components are included in integral hierarchical structure of personality of young people. In order to empirically test this hypothesis, a study of systems of value orientations and resilience in young people with high level of leadership abilities and young people with low level of leadership abilities was conducted. Analysis of results of the study allowed to conclude, that leadership abilities in the context of interaction of the system of value orientations and the structure of resilience of the individual, could act as strong internal resource for personal growth.

Key words: leadership, leadership abilities, value orientations, social attitudes, personality hardiness, youth.



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