Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Concept of the text-book “Music pedagogy” On the problem of elaboration of new text-book

V.P. Sradzhev, O.O. Borozdina

UDC 378:78.01(075)     


V.P. Sradzhev is Dr.Sci. (Art), prof.; and O.O. Borozdina is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture e-mail:


Substantiated is necessity of elaboration of new text-book on music pedagogy, that could improve effectiveness of training of musicians. Such text-book, responding to demands of time, should be formed on principally different basis, than those created earlier. If majority of text-books on general and musical pedagogy were aimed to highlight fundamental foundations of this discipline, development of theoretical knowledge of pedagogy as science for further use in professional activity, new textbook should be based on another principle, i.e. effective assistance in organization of practical activities, that is should be maximal close to practical needs of musician. The article provides approximate list of sections of new textbook.

Key words: music pedagogy, concept of text-book on music pedagogy, content of the course of music pedagogy.



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