Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Mechanisms of financial support of state policy in the field of higher education: theoretical guidelines and implementation practice

N.G. Tipenko

UDC 336.143: 378     


N.G. Tipenko is Cand.Sci. (Economy), general director of “Center for Universal Programs” e-mail:


Examined are mechanisms of financial support of higher education in terms of stated objectives of announced reform and got practical results. Features of formation of standards of cost of service of higher school are given, and factors influencing this cost are described. Based on the analysis of data on institutes of several ministries, the impact of subsidies on implementation of state task on state of institute finances is determined. It is concluded, that the lack of elaboration of financial and economic mechanisms in higher education was partly cause of problems, faced by it today.

Key words: budget reform, per capita standards, higher school, individual standards, state task, efficiency of budget expenditures, subsidies for implementation of state task.



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