UDC 316.423.6: 316.346.2-055.2
M.P. Kyuregyan is post-graduate student at University of Technology (UNITECH), city of Korolev, Moscow Region e-mail: kyureg@rambler.ru
Researched is dual nature of gender as sociocultural phenomenon. The paper examines manifestation of gender inequality in modern society: in family, labor sphere and politics. Presented are results of the author’s sociological research, conducted with the aim to study gender characteristics of managerial motivation of rocket and space industry employees. Revealed is discord between professional and labor activity of women and their internal unwillingness to occupy leadership positions due to the lack of such opportunity at enterprises. The study demonstrates lack of factors for formation and realization of social potential of women, opportunity for them to realize possibility of influencing their career growth.
Key words: gender, gender inequality, gender stratification, social construction of the system of relations, managerial motivation.
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