Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Pedagogical support of psychological stability (calmness) of youth as basic quality of human in development of consciousness

A.V. Ivanov

UDC 37.015.31 


A.V. Ivanov is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at Moscow city Pedagogical University



Revealed are theoretical position and practice of development of psychological stability of youth in the context of pedagogy of consciousness. Presented are relevance of the problem of pedagogical support for development of peace or psychological stability of person in modern Russia, with also overview of literature on this topic, as well as methodology and methods of the study. Disclosed are content of the essence and content the concept of “psychological stability” with synonymous concepts in psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogy of consciousness. On the basis of revealed content of the notion, mechanisms of development of tranquility, methods and technologies of pedagogical support of youth in development of this quality and ability to self-defense are presented.

Key words: psychological stability, calmness, emotional stability, pedagogy of consciousness, pedagogical support, self-defense.



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