Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Systematic approach in training of highly qualified scientific personnel as key direction of state policy in the field of human capital development

L.V. Babich

UDC 378.22: 001.3  



L.V. Babich is Cand.Sci. (Economy), deputy to director, head of research department at Vologda Research Center of RAS e-mail:


Researched is the problem of human capital as key factor in development of innovations in knowledge economy. The system of scientific personnel training as an institution that ensures development of high-quality human capital has passed a number of stages, graduate school restructuring was the last one. The article presents retrospective analysis of Russian state policy in this area. It reveals, that low efficiency of post-graduate study remains one of critical problems of scientific personnel reproduction throughout the period of its existence. Shortage of scientific personnel, caused also by a lack of incentives for young people, hinders innovation processes in the economy of the country and its regions. The author considers systematic approach to training of highly qualified scientific personnel as one of the ways to solve this problem.

Key words: human capital, innovative development, systems approach, highly qualified personnel, post-graduate school, doctoral school, scientific and research center.



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