Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Introductory study of readiness of kindergarten teachers for inclusive education

А.Н. Утехина, И.А. Стерхова


A.N. Utekhina is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. e-mail:; and I.A. Sterkhova is post-graduate student e-mail:

 at Udmurtia State University


Substantiated is the need to work with teachers of the system of inclusive education. The results of the study of the readiness of kindergarten teachers for inclusive education are presented. Three components of readiness were studied, i.e. informational, technological and axiological. According to the author’s point of view, the results show partial willingness of teachers to work with children with disabilities. The conclusion notes the necessity to improve teacher’s skills to work in the system of inclusive education.

Key words: inclusion, preschool education, improvement of qualification, limited health opportunities.



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