Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Social practice in training of masters. Educational program “Spiritual moral breeding”

A.G. Kozlova, С.Е. Залаутдинова


A.G. Kozlova is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. e-mail:; and S.E. Zalautdinova is assistant e-mail: at Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University


Presented is experience of teaching in magistracy of educational subject “Theory and history of social practice of masters’ program “Spiritual and moral breeding”. Particular attention in the article is given to interpretation and understanding of the category “social practice”. The authors consider social practice as a means of training master students at pedagogical universities for future professional and pedagogical activity. Proposed practical experience of adapting by master students of content of the discipline “Theory and history of social practice of spiritual and moral breeding” will be of interest to teachers of magistracy, methodologists, post-graduate students, students.

Key words: magistracy, spiritual and moral breeding, social practice, volunteerism, selfless work, volunteer activity, educational process in magistracy.



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