Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of space temporal matrix in culture of postmodern on example of aesthetic categories of form and content

M.G. Perestoronina


M.G. Perestoronina is teacher of Russian language and literature at Сapital Business College, Moscow e-mail:


Presented is brief characteristic of views of G. Hegel and P. Sorokin on development of culture and art. Comparative analysis reveals a number of ideas in common between Hegel’s concept of the “end of art” and Sorokin’s eclectic art stage. Concurrence allows conversion of concepts into a single system on the basis of  aesthetical categories of form of art and content. To prove the validity of combination and necessity to introduce the fourth stage in the theory of culture development, the author applies the concept of imagination of G. Durand and the theory of dominant reflexes of A. Ukhtomsky, as well as contemporary notions about development of society and space, offered by N. Luhmann, M. Castells and G. Deleuze. As conclusion of the article, assumption is set forth, that Hegel’s words about “end of art” and “eclectic art stage” outlined by Sorokin are not other, than contemporary space temporal matrix of postmodern culture.

Key words: culture, art, society, form and content, eclectic art, postmodern, space temporal matrix, imagination, dominant, G. Hegel, P. Sorokin, G. Durand, A. Ukhtomsky.



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