Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Ethics of teaching sciences as necessity

V.A. Kanke


V.A. Kanke is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI e-mail:


Analyzed is ethical project (ethics) in educational process, main content of which is to maximize of all it’s stakeholders. In contemporary society, marked by stamp of numerous cataclysms, this project has no alternative. Nevertheless, injection of ethics into teaching sciences meets numerous difficulties. On one side, philosophical ethical theories, in particular, deontological, utilitarian, pragmatic and discursive ethics are not sufficiently scientific. On the other hand, ethical content in axiological sciences is presented in rather undeveloped form. There is problematic situation, the way of overcoming it proposed is by the author in his desire to translate ethics onto a truly scientific track.

Key words: injection of ethics in teaching sciences, principle of maximizing welfare of all stakeholders, ethics of responsibility.



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2. The moral writings of John Dewey. New York, 1994.

3. Habermas, Ju. Moral consciousness and communicative action. St. Petersburg, 2001.

4. Blaug, M. Methodology of economic science. Problems of economics. 2004.

5. Jonas, H. The principle of responsibility. Moscow, 2004.

6. Kanke, V.A. Ethics of responsibility. The theory of morality of the future. Moscow, 2003.