Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Conceptual pedagogical problems in formation of the system of continuous education “School-Military high school” of Rosguard.Part 2. Some technological solutions in the process of professional training of cadets and advanced students of troops of Rosguard

L.I. Lurie

L.I. Lurie is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof., principal of MBOU “Lyceum no. 1” of Perm city, prof. at Perm National Research Polytechnic University and Perm Military Institute of Troops of National Guard of the RF, winner of prize of RF’s president in the field of education, honored teacher of the RF e-mail:


Considered are some technological solutions of educational work organization on creation of continuous educational system of “School — military high school Rosguard” in accordance with conceptual and pedagogical foundations, proposed in the first part of the study on creation of continuous education system “School — military high school Rosguard”. The main ideas on formation of educational continuity at the pre-university and university levels of education, their optimal combination from point of view of means and educational methods are singled out. University technologies, that are relevant in pre-university training, are noted. Practical steps to create a system of continuing education are indicated. Carried out experimental-research work at it’s initial stage confirmed effectiveness of the system, being created and conceptual pedagogical and technological foundations of it’s creation. Practical steps for creation of the system of continuous education “School — military high school Rosguard” in various universities of profile training, are indicated.

Key words: pedagogical technologies, models of training specialists of Rosguard, experimental-research work, practical steps of realization of the system.


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