Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Transformation of social subject of modernity: on thr problem of methodology of cognition

D.I. Shkarin

D.L. Shkarin is competitor at Chelyabinsk State University, Training Technologies Center Yekaterinburg



Researched is the problem of modernizing of theoretical methodological instrumentarium of contemporary social philosophy. Analyzed is the problem of essence and specific of the process of transformation of social subject in speedy complicated social context of modernity with elaborating of tendencies of transformation process. On that fundament is being formed the system of notions, creating possibility of opening the process from content side, and then to separate productive (positive) transformational aspects from destructive (negative) ones as to the subject. Principal characteristics of complicated world are being compared with relevant qualities of social subject. In conclusion made are the author’s deductions about evolutionary process as a whole.

Key words: complexity, sociality, social philosophy, modernity, subject, individual personality, methodology, evolution, universality, formation, education.


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