Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of innovative readiness of specialists in Olympiad movement on theoretical mechanics

V.A. Yudin, A.I. Popov


V.A. Yudin is Dr.Sci. (Physic & Mathematic), prof. at Novosibirsk State University of Architecture & Building e-mail: and A.I. Popov is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Tambov State Technical University e-mail:


Generalized is experience in methodological support for creative training of engineers and scientists in Olympiad movement of students in theoretical mechanics. The authors analyzed traditions of training students in technical and natural specialties to solving innovative problems in design and operation of new technological equipment. Substantiated is necessity of intensive inclusion of Olympiad movement in independent work by study of theoretical mechanics and making it mass by providing students opportunities to shape their educational trajectory. Formulated are didactic principles and identified are psychological and pedagogical conditions for effective development of psychological qualities and creativity of students in the final stage of Olympiads in theoretical mechanics. Also described is complex of measures, directed on increase of level of pedagogical skills of teachers, supporting Olympiad movement.

Key words: creativity, psychological readiness of specialist, innovative activity, preparation of specialists of technical and natural sciences, independent work, Olympiad movement.



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