Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Some meditations as to modernization of educational process at higher school

S.V. Bakushev

S.V. Bakushev is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof. at Penza State University of Architecture and Construction e-mail:


Examined are questions of contemporary state of training educational process at higher school. Outlined and analyzed are existing problems, negatively influencing development of educational process at higher school. Formulated is a number of offers, that, in author’s opinion, could guarantee modernization of educational process, as to raising quality of such. Proposed ideas and offers on improvement of educational process at higher school, states the author, possibly may not solve the problem of raising quality of education, but in case if they might be taken into consideration and being introduced inti educational process, then quality of education won’t become worse, but quality of educational process learning educational work would  be improved.

Key words: higher education, higher school, learning process, improvement of learning educational work.


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