Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Investigation in temporal characteristics of personality of students with different indicators of self-organization in educational activity

S.A. Yudin


S.A. Yudin is head of Social psychological service at Kemerovo State Medical University


Analyzed is the process of education at university, that differs from learning process in school as to complexity of material and to it’s volume. Therefore, to increase the level of education at higher education institutions, it is necessary to study self-organization, as well as factors that ensure it’s development. The level of self-organization in educational activity depends on characteristics of perception of personal time. In order to verify this situation, comparative analysis of two groups with high and low level of self-organization was carried out. Comparative analysis revealed three main characteristics, that affect self-organization in learning activity, i.e. magnitude and structure of present time, as well as sense of future tense. Also shown is, how “temporary space” influence regularity and structure of the level of self-organization.

Key words: self-organization, time, time perspective of personality, activity.



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