Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The problem of innate practical principles: comparative analysis of views of Locke and Leibniz

E.A. Vorontsov


E.A. Vorontsov is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), head of sub-faculty at Moscow State Humanitarian Economic University e-mail:


Examined is the problem of Innate practical principles of knowledge. The article offers detailed comparative historical and philosophical analysis of two competing conceptions of innate knowledge, i.e. empirical doctrine, represented by Locke, and rationalist theory, defended by Leibniz. In the work revealed is origins of the problem of innate knowledge, it’s transformations in experience of philosophical reflection. The paper also shows interrelation of the problems of innate knowledge with the cross-cutting themes of Western thought, i.e. correlation between general and individual, natural and social, rational and instinctive, the knower and the knowable.

Key words: Locke, Leibniz, innate knowledge, a-priorism, in-nativism, rationalism, empirism, instinct, morality.



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