Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Conditions for development and realization of educational programs of new generation

A.P. Isaev, L.V. Plotnikov , N.I. Fomin


A.P. Isaev is Dr.Sci. (Economy), doc., prof. at sub-faculty e-mail:; L.V. Plotnikov is Cand.Sci. (Technique), doc. e-mail: ; and N.I. Fomin is senior lecturer e-mail:

at Ural Federal University n.a. first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Presented are results of research of requirements to educational programms at university, qualitatively improving the level of their demand. The authors developed the model of educational program of next generation, based on the analysis of experience of “International Society for Engineering Pedagogy” and CDIO conception, as well as requirements for lecturers, able to develop and implement such model in educational process of university. The article presents data poll of young lecturers and expert lecturers on need and importance of EP of next generation, as well as on readiness of educational departments, where they work, to implement such in the process of training graduates of bachelorship and mastership. Also presented are qualification characteristics of university lecturers, as well as requirements for methodological tools for monitoring of educational process.

Key words: education program, competence of lecturer, methodological tools, monitoring of educational process, educational culture.



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