Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Ludwig Wittgenstein, professor og philosophy

S.A. Kostina


S.A. Kostina is post-graduate student at Russian University of Peoples Friendship



Analysed is pedagogical activity of L. Wittgenstein as part of his philosophical conception, in the context of this analysis following aspects were treated, i.e. loyalty to yourself, particularity of teaching as taking place in the language, transition from oral to written philosophical discourse. According to the author, Wittgenstein’s example represents the unity of life and philosophy as ethical act and existential involvement. The fact that Wittgenstein neither by his personal beliefs nor by character, nor by his education did not fit in university environment, can promote our understanding of the contemporary situation of university education and of philosophy itself. The issues raised in this text may be close to those, who practice teaching and are concerned by education and philosophy.

Key words: lecturing in philosophy, ethics, ethos, discourse, Wittgenstein, university.



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10. Prado, P. Un poète égaré au sein de l’Université (Wittgenstein et l’invention du non-cours). Lignes nо. 30. Paris, 2009.