Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On necessity of reckoning of separate practices in thq process of formation of polycultural society

U.M. Bakhtikireeva


U.M. Bakhtikireeva is Dr.Sci. (Philology), prof. at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Analyzed is the problem of necessity of reckoning of separate educational practices in the process of formation of poly-cultural society. In particular, attempt is made to understand the role and significance of individual (language) personality in formation of multicultural (educational) space. The author believes that ignoring place and role of concrete individual in modern multicultural society is serious deficiency in the process of development of documents, regulating perspectives of development of society.

Key words: multiculturalism, Concept of development of multicultural education in Russia, bi(poly) and tri-linguism, ontology of language existence, language personality.




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