Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Professional upbringing of school-persons: empirical measurement

M.A. Shaubert


M.A. Shaubert is post-graduate student at Ulyanovsk State Technical University         



Examined is the problem of readiness to the choice of profession by senior school persons in the system of “school-high school”. Presented are results of empirical research under context of examining theme, as well as analyzed are specifics of influence of regional intellectual games on intellectuals on professional self-determination of senior school persons. Analyzed is current understanding of the meaning of “professional upbringing” as to pedagogical literature. Also presented are results of the authors sociological questionnaire in examining of professional self-determination of school persons. Defined are conditions of elaboration of revealing and developing abilities, enriching such by information about content of professional activity, sponsoring to make realizing choice of future profession. The accent is made on intellectual competition, opening opportunity to school persons to self-cognitions and self-possibilities with individual choice of spheres of activity and personal contacting.

Key words: breeding, professional breeding, professional self-determination, professional orientation.



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