Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Influence of European educational standards on the system of Russian education

I.G. Tretyak


I.G. Tretyak is Cand.Sc. (Pedagogy), doc. at North-Eastern State University



Presented is detailed analysis of influence of Russia’s joining to the Bologna convention. Analyzed are nowadays changes in the system of higher education, directly influencing on the system of general education. Examined are principal obligatory parameters of the Bologna process, influencing on changes, which have been taking place for 13 years in the system of Russian higher education. Shown are changes, conditioned by European approach to the system of high schools, which have some positive consequences, as well as such phenomena, that really exist in Russian universities and academies, hindering and unifying the system of training graduates on existing levels of higher education, determined by the Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation”.

Key words: educational system, general education, higher education, educational organizations of the Russian Federation, education, level of education, Federal State Educational Standard, direction (profile) of education, quality of education, the Bologna declaration (convention), European educational standards.



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