Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Credibility to business (psychological aspect)

E.V. Kamneva, M.V. Polevaya, N.V. Annenkova


E.V. Kamneva is PhD (Psychology), doc. e-mail:; M.V. Polevaya is PhD (Psychology), Dr.Sc. (Economy), doc., head of sub-faculty e-mail:; and N.V. Annenkova is PhD (Psychology) e-mail:

at Financial University under Government of the RF


Presented are results of the research as to influence of some personal characteristics on effectiveness of doing a deal under situation of trust or mistrust to partners in business. Trust to self and others is considered as the process, connected with understanding of people around, orientation on cooperation and also with persistence and reliability. Maximal efficiency of conclusion of bargains (in absence of attitude on mistrust) is noted at teams, members of which are characterized by high level of credibility to others and themselves, self-management, introversion, tendency to control of emotional reactions of self and experiences. Minimal efficiency of negotiations (by attitude on mistrust for one of teams) noted at participants, who are characterized by low level of credibility to other people and trust to self, and also selective attitude towards self, high level of emotional instability and enough high level of expressivity.

Key words: credibility to partner, trust, mistrust, attitude on trust, attitude on mistrust, personal characteristics.



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