Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Value world outlook foundations of post non-classical ecological education and their integration

I.B. Kostina


I.B. Kostina is senior lecturer at Belgorod State National Research University



Analyzed are value outlook foundations, laid in foundation of modern educational system of our country. Solving is the problem of searching for new scenario for overcoming of environmental crisis, as well as formulating are some ideas, based on which could be achieved effective environmental education. In such scenario, content field of environmental education model should be based on integration and humanization of various areas of knowledge. Speaking about integration in environmental education, it should be noted first of all those basic knowledge of valuable and philosophical level, which are widely used in various forms of environmental education. Special attention is paid to valuable outlook fundamentals, that are exposed in the form of principles or centrism, and also defined are stages of their integration in the process of moving to single integrated education.

Key words: environmental awareness, environmental education, ideological centrism, principle of eclecticism, principle of subsidiary, integrative model.



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