Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Origins of formation of pedagogical environment and it’s conceptual apparatus

L.V. Mardahaev


L.V. Mardakhaev is Dr.Sc. (Pedagogy), prof., head of sub-faculty at Russian State Social University



Revealed are origins of formation and development of one of directions of social pedagogy, i.e. pedagogical environment. Shown is formation of it’s conceptual apparatus, incl. determined is essence of such as branch of knowledge, impact of environment on human socialization, especially in growing being, possibilities of it’s self-realization and development as a person, as well as origins of influence on person. Also presented is analysis of views of leading pedagogues on importance of factor of environment in upbringing of children; as well as meaning of risk of environment and the need to take it into account. Characterized are living environment of persons under age, children upbringing team as socio-cultural educational environment. Also presented is the author’s prognosis about development of doctrine of children upbringing team and socio-pedagogics as important sections of educational environment. Conclusion is made about necessity of their tacking into account in socio-pedagogical work among persons under age.

Key words: environment, pedagogical environment, origins of pedagogical environment, socio-pedagogics, immediate environmental pedagogy.



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