Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Innovative activity as the process of self-actualization of development of edu-cation. Part 2. On using of comparative approach in innovative educational activity

L.I. Lurie


L.I. Lurie is director of Perm “Lyceum no. 1”, Dr.Sc. (Pedagogy), prof. at both Perm national research Polytechnic University and Perm Military Institute of Ministry of Interior of Russia



Presented is continuation of research in the theme of innovative activity as the process of self-actualization of development of education. The author turns itself to the problem of comparative approach to innovative educational activity. Particularly, in detail described are theoretical problems of using of comparative approach to innovative educational activities, and also in detail examined are some problems of comparative pedagogical analysis, appearing in the process of reforming of civil and military education. Besides, the author tries to address himself to the analysis of the problem of sociocultural deformation in the system of universals in pedagogical culture. Also the author’s attention is concentrated on the analysis of factors of the crisis of educational activity. In connection with that, emphasized is the author’s view on potentially possible ways of overcoming the crisis in education, especially in pedagogical specialty of such.

Key words: comparative approach, comparative pedagogic, universals of culture and pedagogy, innovations, civil, military education.



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