Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Scientific methodical fundaments of development of electronic courses

L.N. Ruliene, N.B. Semenova

L.N. Ruliene is Dr.Sci. of Pedagogy, prof.; and N.B. Semenova is Methodist of Center of information technologies and distant education at Buryat State University



Examined is the theme of scientific methodical fundaments of development of electronic courses for higher educational institution. Discussed is the problem of the quality of electronic courses as complex educational resources. Emphasized are socio-pedagogical, scientific theoretical and scientific methodical aspects of the quality of electronic courses. Special attention the authors paid to scientific methodical aspect of the problem of quality of electronic courses. In detail analyzed are both content and formal requirements of electronic courses. Determined are practical, instrumental and humanistic guiding lines in development of electronic courses. Conclusion is made by the authors, that scientific methodical fundaments of development of electronic courses are being connected with humanization of electronic education.

Key words: e-learning, online courses, scientific and methodical fundaments, syllabus, humanization of e-learning.



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