Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Leading tendencies and perspectives of development of museum pedagogy as priority direction of national system of additional education

K.Yu. Milovanov, E.E. Nikitina


K.Yu. Milovanov is Cand. of Historical sc., Senior researcher e-mail:; and E.E. Nikitina is Cand. of Pedagogicla sc., Senior researcher e-mail:

at Institute of strategy of development of education REA


Examined is the theme of tendencies and perspectives of development of museum pedagogy as priority direction of national system of additional education. Analyzed is potential of modern museum and also ways of it’s use in educational practice. Significant importance is given to interpretation of museum space in the context of it’s communicative and creative possibilities. Museum knowledge is perceived as integration of many scientific directions, i.e. educational, informational, breeding, cultural historical, art critical, in the process of which there is going on introducing of personality to new knowledge and moral values. Also discussed is the problem of formation of cultural and educational potential of personality by means of museum pedagogy.

Key words: breeding, education, museum, pedagogical and educational potential of museum, museum pedagogy, scientific and practical activity of modern museum, realization of educational function via museum pedagogical activity.



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