Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Methodological aspect of avoiding conflicts in pedagogical interaction process

O.V. Ershova


O.V. Ershova is Cand. of Pedagogical sci., doc. at Russian University of Economics n.a. G.V. Plekhanov



Discussed is evaluation as one of possible methodological aspects, allowing to avoid conflict situation and misunderstanding in pedagogical interaction between subjects of educational process due to marks. Evaluation is the most subjective component of pedagogical interaction process, that might be minimized. The possible variant of solving the problem, in the author’s opinion, consists in changing of aspects, i.e. there shouldn’t be trying to decrease subjective component by evaluation, but important is to show to students complexity, responsibility and non-monosemantic of the process. For this purpose, presented are the author’s “Methodology for control of knowledge of students with using of potential of pair inter-training”, as well as using technical means of education (in particular, using of resources of multi-media presentation).

Key words: pedagogical interaction, evaluation, conflict, mark, students.



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