Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Personal qualities as factor of successful social professional adaptation of graduates of high school

E.V. Politsinskaya, V.N. Kurovsky


E.V. Politsinskaya is Cand. of Pedagogical sci., doc. at Yurga Institute of Technology,

branch of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


V.N. Kurovsky is Dr. Sci.. in Pedagogy, prof. at Tomsk State Pedagogical University



Analyzed is the problem of social professional adaptation of graduates of high school. Socio-economic situation in the current conditions is constantly changing, forcing adjust, adapt to new conditions. Employer is interesting to have specialist with minimum period of adaptation to professional activity. However, according to majority of employers, it is necessary to complete training of young professionals at the workplace. As a result, the process of adaptation of graduate to professional activity might be quite heavy and of long period character. In professional development and development of personality of specialist, important is professional training at high school, but development of person as professional is not possible without presence of certain personality traits. These qualities most effectively are being formed at high school in the process of collaborative learning.

Key words: social adaptation, employers, graduates of high schools, personal qualities, collaborative approach.



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