Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Professional activity and raising of motivation of professional work

V.P. Musina


V.P. Musina is Ph.D of Psychology, doc. at Sankt Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work



Examined is the theme of raising motivation of professional activity of lecturing staff and employees of institution of higher education.  Analyzed is the ratio between professional activity and raising of motivation of professional activity, based on example of state institution of additional education. On the basis of the author’s methodology, shown is detailed diagnostic of professional motivation of personnel, analyzed are it’s results, and defined are possibilities of raising motivation. Also given is description of the author’s diagnostic methods of research of motivation of professional activity with presenting technology for forming of such, taking as example lecturers and personnel of art department of educational institution.

Key words: professional activity, motivation of professional activities, optimization, methods of diagnostic, technology of forming.



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2. Musina, V.P. Psychology of professional activity. Practice of research. — Lap Lambert academic publ., Germany, 2015.

3. Management of personnel: Staff as a factor of success on enterprise. Minsk, 2012.